Date: 09/14/14
Address: East Boulevard and Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. Cleveland, OH 44108
Gong and Tibetan Singing Bowl Performance at Cleveland One World
Percussionist Paul Stranahan will perform on Sat. Sept. 13th and Sun.
Sept. 14th at 4pm in the Slovak Gardens at the Cleveland Cultural
Gardens in Rockefeller Park. Paul uses ancient Eastern instruments
-gongs and Tibetan singing bowls- to make music that is completely
modern and original. He creates sounds and moods that can range from
soothing and meditative to chaotic and downright apocalyptic. Each
performance is improvised and thus each show is totally unique. By using
various sticks and mallets, including a special striker to gently rub
the rim of the bowls, Paul fills the room with sounds and vibrations
that can only be described as “other worldly“.
Ticket Price:
Ticket Phone: 2162699156
Event Website Click here
Date: 09/14/14
Venue: Cleveland Museum of Art
Time: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Address: 11150 East Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44106
Description: Entertainment will include: Moko Bovo on Sept. 13 and Gato's Gullah on Sept. 14.